
Showing posts with the label cellulite cream

What Everyone Should Know About Fighting Cellulite

What is Cellulite? The main cause of cellulite is not known. Experts believe that it is the result of fibrous bands connecting the skin and muscles, which tighten irregularly and pull the fat beneath the skin upward. As a result, the dimpled appearance of cellulite is created. In order to understand what causes cellulite, it is necessary to understand how the cellulite process occurs. There are many treatments for this cosmetic problem, and there is no single treatment that will work for everyone. The appearance of cellulite varies between people. The most common form of the condition is mild cellulite, which is characterized by one to four superficial depressions on the skin. It is sometimes accompanied by draped skin and a cottage cheese-like appearance. The most severe form of cellulite contains more than 10 depressions, a "cottage-cheese"-like appearance. The main cause of this cosmetic condition is an imbalance in fat and connective tissues. In addition to the underl