Stomach Flattening Exercises That Worked for Me

If you're looking to reduce your body fat, you may have heard that there are a lot of exercises that can help. However, not all of them are going to work. There are a few specific exercises that you can try, however, and it's important that you pick them wisely.

As someone who has struggled to flatten their stomach, I know how difficult it can be to find exercises that will actually work. After a lot of trial, error and frustration, I finally have a few exercises that flattened my stomach in just a few months. In this article, I am going to share what worked for me: the best stomach flattening exercises that really do work.

Side plank

Whether you're trying to tone your arms, strengthen your core, or get rid of those love handles, you may have heard of the side plank. This stomach flattening exercise works your arm muscles, obliques, and even your lower back. It's also a great way to build your balance.

To perform the side plank, you need to lie on your right side. The left side should be propped up on your forearm. You should then lift your hips and knees off the floor. As you do, you should brace your abs and squeeze your glutes. Alternatively, you can use an exercise ball for support.

Once you've achieved the right position, you're going to want to hold it for as long as possible. Generally speaking, you should be able to do at least five reps before you're out of breath.

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are a great way to strengthen your abdominal muscles and burn calories. The exercise can also help you improve your posture. However, you need to use proper form to get the most out of the workout. If you have any pre-existing health conditions, you should consult with your physician before starting any new exercise routine.

Those who are pregnant should avoid supine exercises like crunches, as it can lead to back pain. Instead, try doing quadruped core exercises. Pregnant women should also avoid crunches after their first trimester, as it may put strain on the neck.

It's important to choose a weight that is hard to lift by the end of the set. This will ensure that the right muscles are being worked.

Medicine ball slam

A medicine ball slam is a dynamic movement that is designed to boost your athletic capabilities. It is a full-body exercise that can help you tone your stomach muscles and increase your strength, speed, and power.

There are several types of slams, but the primary purpose is to develop power. To maximize this, you need to have the proper setup. Make sure your lower back is flat and your feet are a few inches away from each other.

The upward phase requires you to engage your abdominal muscles and extend your arms. Once your body reaches the end of this phase, your heels will lift off the floor. You should then pull your shoulders back.

Your slam should be fast and aggressive. You should also use good posture. Ideally, your hips should be a few inches above your knees.


Squat exercises are an excellent way to tone your abdominal muscles and burn fat. While they won't give you six-pack abs, they can make your butt and thighs look smaller and shapelier.

They can be done for both strength and cardio, which is why they're great for achieving a flat stomach. The squat is a full-body workout that engages your core muscles, helping to improve your posture and balance.

You should also consider other cardiovascular exercises, like running, cycling, and swimming. They all help to burn calories, which contributes to weight loss. And, working out can speed up your metabolism.

There are a variety of exercises that work your abs, including squats, planks, and leg lifts. If you're just starting out, you may want to start with a simple exercise, such as a plank.

Hula hoop

Hula hoop stomach flattening exercises are a great way to burn calories and slim your waistline. They are also a fun, low-impact workout that will help you increase your energy levels.

For beginners, you should warm up your muscles before doing a hula hoop exercise. This will keep you from injuring yourself. If you have any trouble, ask a trainer or nutritionist for advice.

The hula hoop works your lower back and abdominals, as well as your oblique muscles. It can also help you trim your thighs. You should practice for at least 30 minutes per day.

Before you start your hula hoop workout, make sure you have a comfortable handgrip. The hoop should be held upright with your right hand. Holding the hoop with your left hand allows you to spin it clockwise.


Stomach flattening exercises can be a great way to reach your fitness goals. My experience with this type of exercise has been very rewarding and I am proud of the changes I have seen in my body. If you are looking for a way to get rid of that stubborn belly fat, these exercises are definitely worth a try. I am confident that if you stick with them and stay consistent, you will see results too! Remember to give yourself enough time to observe changes; don't expect instant results. 

Thank you for reading and Good Luck!  😀


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